英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:19:52
  • 双语例句

1. The favourite hand-to-hand weapon of the Blood Axes is naturally an axe. This weapon is usually stuffed down a long, lace-up combat boot. True to the tradition of the clan, the Blood Axe Orks do not wipe the blood off the blade after a battle.

2. These included infantry cooperation with other combat arms, improved communications for command and control, night fighting and maneuver, coordination of infantry firepower with hand-to-hand combat, and increased reliance on the independent decision making ability of junior officers and non-commissioned officers.


3. These included infantry cooperation with other combat arms, improved communications for command and control, night fighting and maneuver, coordination of infantry firepower with hand-to-hand combat, and increased reliance on the independent decision making ability of junior officers and non-commissioned officers.春秋中文社区http://bbs. cqzg. cn

4. More intense hand-to-hand encounters thanks to a new dynamic combat system loaded with lots of special effects.

5. If you talked to Lambert about fighting styles, Eskel will offer you a lesson of hand-to-hand combat.
如果你和兰伯特聊过战斗类型,艾斯卡尔会教你徒手搏击,启动任务 22Qp.22 Fistfight 拳斗(拿到游戏中最强钢剑必须完成的任务)。

6. All types of hand-to-hand combat which demand set positions for the attacker and his opponent are useless when you find yourself in actual combat.

7. hand-to-hand combat在线翻译

7. Bull; How to cover all aspects of real hand-to-hand combat and weapons training.

8. He is without a doubt one of the most respected and dangerous men in the world at hand-to-hand combat, teaching it and using it.

9. hand-to-hand combat是什么意思

9. Bayonet'.''and to survive hand-to-hand combat.

10. His combat skills were based on hand-to-hand combat as well.

11. hand-to-hand combat的翻译

11. You can even block with your hands if you're in hand-to-hand combat.


12. Bull; How to become a devastating hand-to-hand combat expert!

13. hand-to-hand combat的反义词

13. It's fun to play with gunpowder armies for the first time, too, rather than the hand-to-hand combat of earlier, though you can still make your little men draw bare steel and head for the enemy's throats.

14. hand-to-hand combat

14. One of the upgrades, when engaged in hand-to-hand combat will curse (Slow, Weakness, Curse, Disrupting ray) the opponent.

15. He became proficient in a number of forms of hand-to-hand combat.

16. Every weapon also comes equipped with razor-sharp blades for hand-to-hand combat and a spiked, riveted, fanged metal esthetic is used on all military equipment.

17. hand-to-hand combat的意思

17. We taught soldiers to bayonet and to survive hand-to-hand combat.

18. There was, reportedly, hand-to-hand combat in the streets

19. hand-to-hand combat是什么意思

19. The soldiers were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

20. Yesterday saw hand-to-hand combat in the city.

Crucible's head instructor and CEO, J. Kelly McCann, got an early start in unarmed combat from his father, a former hand-to-hand instructor.(热锅上的头指导员兼首席执行官一家专业麦肯,着手早,在武装斗争,从他的父亲,前手老师。)
All types of hand-to-hand combat which demand set positions for the attacker and his opponent are useless when you find yourself in actual combat.(任何一种需要固定的格斗姿势的徒手格斗,无论对于进攻者还是他的对手,在实战中都是没有用处的。)
There was, reportedly, hand-to-hand combat in the streets.(据说街上发生了肉搏战。)
In a world post the bomb, are we still unconsciously toughening our boys for hand-to-hand combat?(战争已经远去,但我们是否还在无意识地鼓励男孩子们变得强硬,习惯打架。)
The two drugs work hand in hand to combat the disease and help to repair damaged cells and tissue.(这两种药物携手合作,共同对抗疾病,帮助修复受损的细胞和组织。)
Experts on the Nashville have been training Nigerians in hand-to-hand combat and oil-platform protection, among other things.(纳什维尔号上的专家因而正在训练奈及利亚海军白刃战斗、油井保卫、等等。)
While the Hutt may be able to defeat a single Gamorrean in hand-to-hand combat, a dozen Gamorreans was more than he cared to handle.(这个赫特人虽然也许能在徒手格斗中打败单个加莫人,但绝不是十二个加莫人的对手。)
Judo had its origin in the ancient Japanese art of jujitsu, a system of hand - to - hand combat.(柔道是从日本古代的空手格斗术——柔术中演变而来。)
A fighter affected by War fury is plunged into a state of uncontrolled destructive madness. This Ability is activated before the Initiative roll, in the Hand to Hand Combat phase.(由于战争暴怒影响的战士会进入不受控制破坏性疯狂性的状态,在近战攻击阶段中。)
During the festivities held in honour of the Snake-Lord, Atlas defeated the Daimyo's personal champion in a contest of hand-to-hand combat.(在纪念蛇形领主的节日上,阿特拉斯在一场一对一的战斗中击败了大名的私人护卫。)
hand-to-hand combat是什么意思 hand-to-hand combat在线翻译 hand-to-hand combat什么意思 hand-to-hand combat的意思 hand-to-hand combat的翻译 hand-to-hand combat的解释 hand-to-hand combat的发音 hand-to-hand combat的同义词